Funding Offers

Receive a snapshot and updates for any position events on your account.

Subscribe to the account information channel to keep track of your funding offers. The account information channel provides a snapshot and updates on the funding offers in your account. The snapshot is delivered upon subscribing and any changes to your positions will be provided as updates for as long as the channel remains open. Any authenticated connection is automatically subscribed to the account information channel.

Example code to open an authenticated connection can be found on our Authenticated Channels Page.

Funding offer events are sent with CHAN_ID = 0 and can be identified by looking at the TYPE stream field. Funding offer events will use one of the following abbreviations: 'fos' (funding offers snapshot), 'fon' (funding offer new), 'fou' (funding offers update), and 'foc' (funding offer cancel).

  0, //CHAN_ID
  "fos", //MSG_TYPE
      41237920, //OFFER_ID
      "fETH", //SYMBOL
      1573912039000, //MTS_CREATED
      1573912039000, //MTS_UPDATED
      0.5, //AMOUNT
      0.5, //AMOUNT_ORIG
      null, //PLACEHOLDER
      null, //PLACEHOLDER
      0, //FLAGS
      "ACTIVE", //STATUS
      null, //PLACEHOLDER
      null, //PLACEHOLDER
      null, //PLACEHOLDER
      0.0024, //RATE
      2, //PERIOD
      0, //NOTIFY
      0, //HIDDEN
      null, //PLACEHOLDER
      0, //RENEW
      null //PLACEHOLDER

  0, //CHAN_ID
  "fon", //MSG_TYPE
    41238747, //OFFER_ID
    "fUST", //SYMBOL
    1575026670000, //MTS_CREATED
    1575026670000, //MTS_UPDATED
    5000, //AMOUNT
    5000, //AMOUNT_ORIG
    null, //PLACEHOLDER
    null, //PLACEHOLDER
    0, //FLAGS
    null, //PLACEHOLDER
    null, //PLACEHOLDER
    null, //PLACEHOLDER
    0.006000000000000001, //RATE
    30, //PERIOD
    0, //NOTIFY
    0, //HIDDEN
    null, //PLACEHOLDER
    0, //RENEW
    null //RATE_REAL

Funding offer snapshot data

[0]CHANNEL_IDIntIdentification number assigned to the channel for the duration of this connection.
[1]MSG_TYPEString'fos' (funding offers snapshot)
[2]FUNDING_OFFERS_SNAPSHOTArrayArray with an array of active funding offers(Indices [0...n] will be funding offers)
[2][0...n]FUNDING_OFFER_ARRAYArrayFunding offer array

Funding offer update data

[0]CHANNEL_IDIntIdentification number assigned to the channel for the duration of this connection.
[1]MSG_TYPEString'fon' (funding offer new), 'fou' (funding offer update), 'foc' (funding offer cancel (cancelled or fully executed))
[2]FUNDING_OFFER_ARRAYArrayFunding offer array

Funding offer array

Index Field Type Description
[0]OFFER_IDIntegerOffer ID
[1]SYMBOLStringThe currency of the offer (fUSD, etc)
[2]MTS_CREATEDIntMillisecond Time Stamp when the offer was created
[3]MTS_UPDATEDIntMillisecond Time Stamp when the offer was updated
[4]AMOUNTFloatAmount the offer is for
[5]AMOUNT_ORIGFloatAmount the offer was entered with originally
[ . . . ]
[9]FLAGSObjectSee .
[ . . . ]
[14]RATEFloatRate of the offer
[15]PERIODIntPeriod of the offer
[16]NOTIFYInt0 if false, 1 if true
[17]HIDDENInt0 if false, 1 if true
[ . . . ]
[19]RENEWInt0 if false, 1 if true
[ . . . ]